Wednesday, November 2, 2022


This person and his party just likes to be an asshole getting their rocks on attacking and stalking a lower BR/alt toon just because they want to let people know that they have been spending so much in the game. Being bullies just because they can but I'm 2000% sure that if they were being done the same thing they are the ones to cry about it in World chat or guild chat asking for their high BR friends to help them. No. 1 Cowards as what they are. 

SendDrama - UID 14948010113196172718 Perfect World Mobile (Server: US-001)
Notice though that they change their names everyday/weekly/monthly with those key names (ie "Send'
 for this month) in to let themselves be known that they are in a gang of somewhat, being desperate to belong to a group. Thinking they so cool, but they aren't. They are just a bunch of douchebags, is all whom are only brave as much as their money can take them. 

#Anonymous I hope you get this #ingamebraggarts. 



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